• 01612 245456

  • info@appsukfoundation.org.uk

Ramadan Rashan Distribution in Kashmir

We are pleased to share that APPSUK Foundation has successfully distributed Ramadan Rashan bags among deserving widows, orphans, and helpless single mothers.
Jazak Allah Khair to APPSUKF's kind donors and our esteemed Founder, Sir Dr. Mohammed Iqbal Sb.

Ramadan Rashan Distribution in Nousheraferoz

Ramadan Rashan Distribution Khairpur

We are pleased to share that HSI Khairpur has successfully distributed 100 Ramadan Rashan bags, Donated by APPSUKF, among deserving widows, orphans, and helpless single mothers.
Jazak Allah Khair to APPSUKF's kind donors and our esteemed Founder, Sir Dr. Mohammed Iqbal Sb.

Ramadan Rashan Distribution in Bannu

Ramadan Rashan Distribution in Multan

Ramadan Rashan Distribution in Dera Achkand